Connect our customer portal
Say 'hello' to Connect, our new customer portal. It's the quick, easy way for you to manage your tenancy online.
Connect is our customer portal that's designed to save you time, by putting our services at your fingertips. It gives you 24/7 access to a range of our services, from anywhere and all without needing to call us.
With Connect you can...
Connect is now available as an App - search for Alliance Homes in your app store
Keep Connect at your fingertips by downloading the Alliance Homes app. You get all the same functionality - but with easier access on your phone or tablet.
To download the app, simply choose from one of the options below.
How to register for Connect
We've made registration simple. We’re sending every customer an email, text or letter. This contains your secure link. If you prefer, you can contact us through Live Chat.
We’re still here if you need to speak to us
Our customer contact team is still available to support you, call 03000 120 120 or message us on Live Chat.